The basics for making drone videos look great are based on the same basic rules of thumb that apply to all photography and cinematography. In other words, the foundation of beautiful drone shots are based in good, solid photography and cinematography fundamentals. Even if you don’t have a lot of time to fly your drone around, following these fundamentals will make the most out of each drone flight you film.
Before you use intelligent flight modes on your drone app or cinematic drone techniques, apply these tips to make your drone video look amazing every single time. Best of all, these fundamental concepts are easy and cost nothing. All you need is some planning!
1. Time of Day (Lighting)
Lighting is by far the most important fundamental photo and video concept. With good mastery of lighting, you can shoot any kind of shot you want and even with horrible cameras and have the result look great. When filming with a drone, the only light you have to work with is sunlight, aka “Natural Light.” The easiest way to film epic drone videos is to
- Film at “Golden Hour,” which is during sunrise and sunset when the light is soft and more colorful
- Film during “Blue Hour,” which is just before sunrise and just after sunset when there is light outside but there’s no sun
- Film when the clouds are blocking the sun so there’s no bright, direct sunlight. However, if it’s too cloudy and gray, the scene will look flat. At that point, it’s more of an artistic “moody” vibe, if that’s what you’re going for.
- DO NOT film in bright, direct sunlight during midday (noon) and early afternoon.
2. Location
This tip is simple! If you put in the location scouting work, you will be rewarded with great photos and videos. Find beautiful locations to shoot with your drone and your photos and videos will look much better. Similar to the first tip of shooting during golden hour, this just takes a bit of planning ahead.
If you are traveling, use Google Maps in Satellite or 3D mode to explore the destinations before you go. When you arrive, you will already know which areas at the destination would look great from the sky with a drone.
3. Fly Low & Fly Close
Drone videos are great for showing a different perspective from high in the air. Also, drone videos can epic when the video gives viewers the feeling of flying or moving fast. To communicate this experience of moving fast, fly your drone low and close to the ground. You can also fly your drone close to other objects such as trees to give viewers the feeling of moving through the sky.
4. Fly Slow & Controlled
Shaky videos usually look unprofessional and are difficult for the viewer to watch. Flying your drone slow and controlled is an easy way to make your drone video look professional.
- Fly the drone in one direction (or in a circle) at a constant speed
- Do not make sudden or quick movements
- If you accelerate or decelerate, move the controls very slowly so the acceleration or deceleration is not too obvious.
5. Keep Rolling! (Keep Filming!)
When you’re flying a drone, you never know when you’ll see something amazing you want to film. Maybe a bird will fly by your drone that looks amazing and would make the video more interesting. If you wait until you press the “record” button, you might miss the opportunity and it will be too late. When possible, keep recording until you land your drone.
Another reason to keep recording is to get longer videos you can edit. If your video clips are too short, it will be hard to edit the whole video. As a simple rule, keep recording for at least 10 seconds for each video clip.
Can’t wait to see you use these drone moves in your next video! Show us your drone videos by commenting below or on our social media channels:
Instagram – @jeffreylin_
Facebook – JeffreyLinMedia
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