The most difficult but most important part of choosing a WordPress theme for your website is imagining how the layout will look with your content. As I said, you don’t…
Consultants should definitely be able to find effective ways on how they can sell themselves and their services to their prospective clients. Personal interaction or personal promotion may not be…
One of the best ways for an artist to be able to showcase his or her works is through the creation of online portfolio websites. Aside from being very effective…

Your website’s design IS your internet presence. A friendly, aesthetic (well groomed) and professional design will impress upon people those same qualities about you. That’s why I share many of…
Summer time is wedding time! Make your wedding more memorable by creating a special website just for it! You can even use a website as an invitation for your very…
It can definitely be a great advantage for a restaurant or cafe to have its own website. It can be a lot easier to promote menus, specialties, and the venue…
In addition to your Yelp! or Google Places listings, websites are essential in bringing your customers into your restaurant, and salivating at your special dishes. Virtually. You need to have…
A professional and visible web presence is essential to any business in this digital age. Your website is your face to the world, literally. Even if you have a physical…
One of the most important things that a photographer should have is a portfolio. A website photography portfolio is the best marketing a photographer can do, and, as I’ve blogged…
If you are an actor and you want to get your name out there, you should definitely know how to sell yourself to prospective directors, producers and casting directors. It…